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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I've been dating since I was 15 -- I'm exhausted!! Where is he?!!

So it's no secret I watch TV while I work at home. I always get my work done, so it's not like I'm slacking in the least bit. It's just nice not to have complete silence when you're at home by yourself ALL day. And TV's so much better than radio to have on in the background, because even if they are digital images, it feels like there's real people with you while you work. (Yes I realize I sound delusional, but hey -- it works for me.)

Usually I watch Fox News in the morning, The View mid-morning, Desperate Housewives at lunch and Grey's in the afternoon (my two favs!), and Friends in the late afternoon (and old fav!). Well now, Sex and the City is on! An episode that I love came on today, and I saw this scene that has to be my favorite in the entire series. What girl doesn't just adore Charlotte--and on top of that, what girl can't identify with her here??

The first time I saw that I thought -- "That's me!!" And now, it's funny that I can look back on it as a married woman, thinking "Okay that was me for 10 years..." Yep, had my first date at 15 and met Jeff right before I turned 25. Oh Charlotte, would that you'd know how wise you are!

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